Who Controls You? Name the State of Mind

In every instance, regular ordinary people should be empowered to cooperate among themselves to bring about or create the change they need through voluntary democratic association, rather then allowing and even expecting governmental violence, force, coercion, or the carrot and stick penal approach of the state as remedy.

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‘Anyone is a slave if obsessed with fulfilling an image or expectations of the irrelevant rather than cultivating the God force divinely planted within their souls. Slave mentality is defined by what you fear. Master’s mentality is just as easily identified by what you dare.” CIRCLE CITY CONNECTION by Vernon A. Williams

Who Controls You?


Published on Apr 10, 2019
Inspirationally triggered by an article by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Jerry Day hits on some key ways we choose freedom or slavery for ourselves and society. Jeffrey A. Tucker is Editorial Director of the American Institute for Economic Research. The article by Tucker referred to in this video is posted at: https://www.aier.org/article/name-state This video is presented by FreedomTaker.com

Name the State

By Jeffrey A. Tucker Thursday, April 4, 2019 Economic Education


The number one problem of all public debate about politics and economics is the failure to name the state. If this would change, so would public opinion.

There is no shortage of examples. People talk about health care for all, solving climate change, providing security in old age, universal educational access, boosting wages, ending discrimination, and you can add to the list without end.

That’s one side.

The other speaks of national identity, protecting jobs, making us more moral, forming cultural cohesion, providing security against the foreign enemy, and so on.


All of this, no matter how fancy the language, is obfuscation. What all of this really means is: put the state in charge. What’s strange is the unwillingness to say it outright. This is for a reason. The plans the politicians have for our lives would come across as far less compelling if they admitted the following brutal truth.

There really are only two ways to allocate goods and services in society: the markets (which rely on individual choice) and the state (which runs on compulsion). No one has ever found a third way. You can mix the two — some markets and some state-run operations — but there always is and always will be a toggling between the two. If you replace markets, the result will be more force via the state, which means bureaucratic administration and rule by force. If you reduce the role of the state, you rely more on markets. This is the logic of political choice, and there is no escaping it.

The above paragraph is the great truth of political economy. I’ve never seen any evidence to dispute it. And yet it is the great unsayable truth. Seasons of political rhetoric fly by with no frank discussion of what precisely this or that proposal would require of the state and how that will affect our lives, much less a serious analysis of the risks of making a problem worse by replacing market forces.

Great article continue reading >> https://www.aier.org/article/name-state

There is no escape: You are either SLAVE or MASTER mindset in this society

No Tyrants no slaves

By Vernon A. Williams, Gary Crusader

It just donned on me this week. There are only two kinds of mentalities in American society, maybe even the world—SLAVE and MASTER. That’s it.

And the revelation is that it has nothing to do with money. It has nothing to do with race. It has nothing to do with education. It has nothing to do with social status. Those things don’t even matter.

It’s so simple that it’s ridiculous. Anyone enslaved by word, thought or deed has – by definition – a slave mentality. Anyone who has the capacity to face his or her demons unafraid, knowing that pain precedes victory, and does it anyway—embodies the master state of mind.

Let me illustrate my point.

Donald Trump, the billionaire who would be president, is enslaved. Think about how he has flip-flopped on issues. Think about people he has poured money into in the past that he now feels compelled to vilify in fulfillment of the marching orders of his puppeteers. He is no more than a caricature of the bigot mindset – a figment of hatred’s imagination – the quintessential slave concept.


Keeping it in politics, Richard Gordon Hatcher exemplifies the master mindset. He came to Gary and fought both the white-dominated Gary/Lake County machine and self-hating Negroes – intent on staying in their place – to maintain City Hall in Gary for two decades. During that time, he constantly rejected selling for “jobs” in Washington D.C., instead opting for self-determination.

Let’s bring this conversation out of the political realm into everyday life.

Anyone is a slave if obsessed with fulfilling an image or expectations of the irrelevant rather than cultivating the God force divinely planted within their souls. Slave mentality is defined by what you fear. Master’s mentality is just as easily identified by what you dare.

Continue reading CIRCLE CITY CONNECTION by Vernon A. Williams

Economic Democracy as One of many Solutions

Democracy & Governance Democratic Ownership
This paper by David Schweickart, published alongside three others, is one of many proposals for a systemic alternative we have published or will be publishing here at the Next System Project. You can read it below, or download the PDF. We have commissioned these papers in order to facilitate an informed and comprehensive discussion of “new systems,” and as part of this effort we have also created a comparative framework which provides a basis for evaluating system proposals according to a common set of criteria.

What is Economic Democracy?

A brief elaboration of each of these key institutions:

Overview and basic model

The big challenges that capitalism now faces in the contemporary world include issues of inequality (especially that of grinding poverty in a world of unprecedented prosperity) and of “public goods” (that is, goods people share together, like the environment). The solution to these problems will almost certainly call for institutions that take us beyond the capitalist market economy.

So wrote Nobel Laureate economist Amartya Sen, sixteen years ago. Needless to say the intervening years have only strengthened his thesis—inequality and environmental degradation have gotten much worse and grinding poverty persists. But does there exist a viable alternative that might take us beyond the capitalist market economy, a new system that would preserve the strengths of competitive capitalism while at the same time eliminating, or at least mitigating, its worst features?

It is important to be clear and unequivocal: the answer is “Yes.” And it is simple enough to state. What we need to do is extend democracy to the economy itself. To formulate the project in terms of slogans, we need to

  • Democratize labor!
  • Democratize capital!
  • Democratize democracy!

Check it out,, Economic Democracy: As a Solution.


The Golden Age When Women Ruled, The Great Mother:

The Golden Age When Women Ruled

By James Donahue

The written human history that exists has been proven through archaeology and mere deduction to be so distorted and religiously and politically twisted that we lack a true understanding of our past. This is true about even relatively recent history. And the farther back into the past we search, the more perverted the information becomes.

Fortunately there is a memory, deeply implanted in our DNA, that makes it possible for us to all have a way of separating the lies from fact; truth from fiction. Also our distant ancestors passed down stories . . . now declared to be mythology . . . that give us insight as to the way things once were on this planet.

There is strong evidence, for example, that there was an earlier eon that existed even before the great Mesopotamian Empire when women ruled the earth. It was a long period of peace and tranquility, remembered genetically as Eden in the Christian and Hebrew Old Testament, and the Golden Age among other world cultures.

William Bond, in an article Did Women Once Rule The World, writes about the ancient ruins of Catal Huyuk, a 9,000-year-old city that once existed in Anatolia, Turkey. The ruins were excavated by James Mellaart between 1961 and 1965. What Mellaart discovered proved to conflict with contemporary beliefs about the ancient past and his work was literally swept under the rug in archaeological circles.

The researchers at Catal Huyuk could not find evidence that the people of that city were warriors. The city was not fortified. There were no weapons of war discovered. And examination of bones in the graves turned up no evidence that anybody died in battle. The artwork was so filled with feminine images that Mellaart concluded that the people worshipped the Ancient Great Mother.

Bond wrote that the findings at Catal Huyuk were so unsettling “the site was closed down for 30 years and the academic world ignored the implications.”

The late Lithuanian archaeologist Marija Gimbutas, in her book The Goddesses and Gods of Old Europe, drawing from personal findings in digs in Achilleion, Thessaly, Greece, and other archaeological finds in Northern Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia, the Ukraine, Crete, Cyprus, Thera, Sardinia, Sicliy and Malta, declared that a European society existed between 6,000 and 8,000 years ago that lived in peace and harmony.

Gimbutas wrote that “women ran the temples and in doing so held predominant positions, while men performed such physical chores as hunting, building and navigating. The deities these people worshipped were overwhelmingly female, and their values, emphasizing nonviolence and reverence for nature, came from the female realm. It was marauding Indo-Europeans, the forerunners of Western civilization, who destroyed these societies.”

As early as 1861, Swiss writer J. J. Bachofen wrote the controversial Das Mutterrecht which means “Mother-Right.” Based on his study of mythology Bachofen hypothesized that a peaceful, female-led agrarian culture once prevailed throughout Europe and the Near East until the rise of militarism resulted in a male takeover.

Author Richard Rudgley, in his book Lost Civilisations of the Stone Age, laments that human civilization has existed on this planet for a much longer time than the Christian Bible teaches. He believes that 95 percent of human existence occurred in “pre-historic times.” That is, except for ancient art and ruins of ancient cities, there has been no surviving written record of what happened during that early period of human existence.

But Rudgley supports Gimbutas in noting that all carved and painted images of human beings found in those ancient ruins are “overwhelmingly images of women.

Bond wrote that: “What Gimbutas shows is that most of these images celebrate the whole process of birth from the sex act to breast feeding. It seems in prehistoric times menstruation, the vagina, the sexual act, giving birth and breast feeding was seen as something divine, holy and sacred. This is in contrast to historic times when menstruation became taboo and unclean in many societies. The sex act also became sinful and dirty.

The Christian teachings are that children are born into sin. The implication here is that this is because they are born of women. In today’s society in many parts of the “civilized world” the act of breast feeding is something shameful, especially if done in public.

Since that Golden Era came to a violent end, with conquering tribes taking over these peaceful communities, the world shifted to a male dominated culture. And the results of been war, violence, the rule of kings and a general enslavement of the people. This has continued even to the present day.

Bond wrote that “the new rulers behaved like Mafia bosses in imposing a reign of terror on the people to control them, and started a protection racket that was in effect the first taxation, making the rulers extremely wealthy and forcing poverty onto the people.

“Now the population had to not only work to feed and shelter themselves, but they had to work to feed the new rulers and their armies, as well as build them palaces and fortifications and make arms and luxury goods. This is a clear case where men like Adam had to work by the sweat of their brow while the new rulers encouraged men to disrespect women and turn them into slaves.”

It should be interesting to note that the male dominated culture seems to exist only in the so-called “civilized” societies. Aboriginal tribes throughout the world still maintain the high regard for the women and even worship feminine gods. The Hopi and Navajo tribes in Arizona, for example, perceive Spider Woman as an important deity.

Also interesting to sociologists is that a shift from the male dominated social order has been slowly occurring. It began with the Women’s Suffrage movement and the world wars in the Twentieth Century, that called women into the work places while the men went off to battle. Since the end of World War II, women have remained in competition with men for every kind of skilled job, and they are yet battling for equality in pay.

Women living under extreme Islamic suppression in the Middle Eastern countries are fighting for the right to simply drive cars, appear in public without having their entire bodies covered in cloth and justice in the courts against abuse by men.

The world is in chaos today as crowds of angry protesters take to the streets in rebellion against the men who control the wealth and power. Governments are beginning to topple. There is so much unrest that the leaders are building armies and digging into bunkers to go into hiding. The imbalance is growing. It is obvious to nearly everyone that something significant is about to happen.

There is a theory among the occultists that humanity is moving into a new era. There is a belief that the women ruled the world in peace and harmony during the first known era that lasted about 7,000 years. Then the male era began about 4,000 or 5,000 years before Christ and has continued unchecked until the current day. This means the second era under male dominance has lasted at least 7,000 years. Is it now coming to an end as well?

The question then would be: what is the new era about to bring? Will it be a time of equality and shared leadership? Will the women rise to power once again? Or will it be something totally unexpected?

The English occultist Aleister Crowley, who founded the theology of Thelema based on The Book of the Law, a text he claimed was dictated to him by an angelic or alien entity identified as Aiwass in 1904, wrote of a division of three “aeons” of the human experience.

Crowley called the first the Aeon of Isis. This was a time during pre-history when mankind worshipped a Great Goddess symbolized by the Egyptian deity Isis. The second and current period was called the Aeon of Osiris, when humanity worships a singular male god symbolized by the Egyptian god Osiris.

The third period described by Crowley is the Aeon of Horus, the hawk headed son of Osiris and Isis. Crowley believed that this child god would bring humanity into a time of self-realization and self-actualization. He described this as a time when there will be a growing interest in all things spiritual, when humans will seek their true will and practice unconditional love for one another.

All we can say is that change is clearly in the wind. The people of this war ravaged world would truly welcome a new period of peace and tranquility. We could all use a lot more love and compassion for one another.

By James Donahue



You are told to pray in Jesus name


There is a lot to this story but today we will just touch on 
the origin of the name Jesus.
What is so amazing is that Christians around the world are told
to pray in Jesus name
and his name was not Jesus.
So who is the person whose name they are praying in?

The New Testament was written in  Greek by Greeks.We call it the New Testament. They did not.They called it Helios Biblios.Some people who see that interpret it as the Holy Bible.That is not what it means.Helios Biblios means The Sun God Book.Helios was the Greek Sun God and the word Biblios means book.

Now came the time to translate the Greek into the King James English.The King James translators knew that Ieso was the Greek Goddessand they did not want that.So they removed the letter O from Iesous and the name became Iesus.Think about this. The name of the Greek Goddess was changed by theKing James translators by removing the letter O.In that way the Christian movement was not connected to the Greek Goddess.The name of the Savior was now Iesus.

The Greek writers were looking to write about the Sun God in a strange way. What name would they give to him?They decided on IESO.

IESO was the Greek Goddess of healing and part of the sun deity.She was the daughter of  Asclepiuswho was of the Sun deity.But the Bible writers  were writing about a male, not a female, and so they added the letters  U and S and the name became Iesous.Adding the letters U and S changed the name fromfemale to male.  The person now became the Greek God of Healing and the Sun Deity.So if one wants to pray in the correct name they should pray in Iesous name because that was his name.

Between 1500 and 1600 the English alphabet incorporated the letter  J.The savior who the King James identified as Iesus was renamed as the letter J replaced the letter I, and Iesus became Jesus. In other words, it was the King James translators who invented the name Jesus.
Now I am not saying that Jesus was the Sun God.
But I am asking you to consider what the Greekwriters had in mind when they wrote this story.
They called the story The Sun God book and they named the savior after a Goddess of the Sun Deity.
That’s how it happened.  
There is a lot more to the story and I will be bringing it to you. 


HIDDEN MEANINGS WEB SITEwww.hiddenmeanings.com

5 The Jesus Nobody Knows

Bill Donahue

VISIT HIDDEN MEANINGS WEB SITE http://www.hiddenmeanings.com

How to design & code a modern website [free courses on JavaScript & CSS]

Here are this week’s five links that are worth your time:

Quincy Larson quincy@freecodecamp.orgThu, Jan 14, 9:07 PM

1. In this course, Jessica will teach you how to design and code a modern website step-by-step. You’ll use CSS Grid, Flexbox, JavaScript, HTML5, and responsive web design principles. (5 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-make-a-landing-page-using-html-scss-and-javascript/

2. How one musician’s training and years of playing an instrument helped her when she embarked on learning to code. (7 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-my-musical-training-helped-me-learn-how-to-code/

3. Learn to build 12 data science apps using Python and a new tool called Streamlit. A university professor will walk you through each of these apps one-by-one, including deployment to the cloud. You’ll build a bioinformatics app, a stock price tracker, and even a penguin classifier. (3 hour YouTube course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/build-12-data-science-apps-with-python-and-streamlit/

4. Eduardo was working odd jobs overseas. But he wasn’t happy with his career. In this article he shares how he used freeCodeCamp to learn web development, got a well-paying developer job, and was able to move his family back to his home country. (12 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/from-civil-engineer-to-web-developer-with-freecodecamp/

5. Tech talks are a great way to top-up your developer knowledge. And freeCodeCamp has a second YouTube channel where we publish new talks each week from conferences around the world. Here are 10 tech talks I personally recommend you watch during your lunch breaks. (browsable list): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/tech-talks-software-development-conferences/

Quote of the Week: “Security is always excessive until it’s not enough.” – Robbie Sinclair
I hope you’re learning a lot from these coding resources I share each week. If you want to aid our nonprofit’s mission, you can join the 6,802 kind people who support freeCodeCamp each month. Start donating today: https://www.freecodecamp.org/donate

Happy coding.

– Quincy Larson
Teacher at https://www.freecodecamp.org
I share useful things on Twitter at https://www.twitter.com/ossia

Contract theory as an attack against human rights

Can contracts be a valid means of formalizing agreement? Sure, but we have to introduce issues of consent. Consent cannot exist unless viable alternatives exist as well. Much like we shouldn’t evaluate individuals as if they lived in a social vacuum, or evaluate actions as if they took place in a causal vacuum, a contract can not, and should not, be judged in a vacuum, but rather must be contrasted with the institutions that sustain it. A contract may or may not be valid in itself, but if these institutions do not provide or allow any alternatives, then the contract cannot possibly be justified.

via Contract theory as an attack against human rights 



Opinion: Necessity of Government in the Era of Consensus Algorithms

Voting secure

Opinion: Why is government necessary? Government is not necessary at all.

To reason that Government, comprised of human beings who aren’t angels is necessary, because human beings aren’t angels, is a fallacy of thought. Immoral human beings are drawn to the power of government. 

In the past aristocrats found government necessary to better coral, loot and cull populations, better termed victims and broaden their sphere of theft to foreign populations.

Victimized populations were convinced of the virtues of for protection government from the immoral greedy thieving Aristocrats, foreign as well as domestic and little has changed over the centuries right into today. Although, few to no government protects its populace more than it preys upon them, with capitalist exploits, coercion, fraud, force and deception.

In fact with today’s technology, our task masters, en-slavers or oligarchs and their governments, no longer serve a positive need for their populations. They’re obsolete and they know it. So they attempt to distract the population, create problems, wars, disease and famine, devise a solution to the reaction, which includes not only theft but further restrictions on the populaces agency of self determination..

Blackchain Vote

We the people, maybe better termed, Informed Populace only need organize for consensus. We no longer need the representation of undemocratic and incorporated political Institutions and their minions.

We only need a decentralized, voluntary and Involuntary, immutable Blockchain ledger for democratic consensus driven concession building. Maybe we reinstate the original, we the people driven Grand Juries as well. We replace the crooked middlemen ruling over us with an application, a Blockchain App.


Democracy 2.0: How Blockchain Technology Is Unveiling a New Type of Democracy

According to Mancini, misrepresentation is a product of operating within a dated political system. While democratic republics were formed centuries ago, she explained in a 2014 TEDGlobal talk in Rio de Janeiro, porous borders and the internet have fundamentally changed our relationship to representation, revealing cracks in the concept of the nation state.

Why, she asked herself, should this not be reflected in our current voting system?

“Think about it this way,” Mancini explained, “we are 21st century citizens doing our very best to interact with 19th century-designed institutions that are based on an information technology of the 15th century.”

Pia Mancini: How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era


In April 2012, in response to growing frustration at the lack of accountability among elected officials, Mancini launched an app called DemocracyOS, designed to enable any political organization to provide a platform for its constituents to discuss and vote on new legislation. Alongside the app, Mancini co-founded the political party, ‘Partido de la Red,’ with a pledge to tie elected members’ votes to the decisions of DemocracyOS users.

While Partido de la Red missed out on enough votes to secure a seat in the 2013 Buenos Aires elections, the city agreed to upload all 350 bills introduced in the following year onto DemocracyOS. The move would give citizens the opportunity to directly weigh in on individual pieces of legislation.

Despite progress, Mancini soon realized that upturning the democratic process at the state level was thinking too small.

“We are 21st century citizens doing our very best to interact with 19th century-designed institutions that are based on an information technology of the 15th century.”
— Pia Mancini

“The problem with a territorial organization of power is that we are allowing the voices of over 50 percent of the world [the percentage of the global population not living in fully democratic countries, according to US-based NGO, Freedom House] to be mediated by non-democratic governments,” she said. “If we can provide a form of non-territorial jurisdiction within which we all have some agency, then having a voice in the world stops being an accident of birth.”

For example, why should Mancini be represented by Argentina at international climate change discussions when she doesn’t support its environmental policies? Why is there no system to allow her to register her political support behind a state whose stance is much more closely aligned with her views?

Similarly, why should a person who leaves their birth country have any less of a say in regional or global migration policies in the moments they are in transit or crisis?

“The internet has the potential to offer another kind of jurisdiction— a jurisdiction that operates outside of the nation state,” Mancini expressed. “It can allow us to remove territories as the sole factor around which we organize power.” Continue reading at Dell Tech.

Blockchain Governance in Action

Sovereign’s first pilot election took place from September 30th to October 3rd 2016. The idea was to host a symbolic global plebiscite on whether to endorse the Colombian government’s proposed peace deal with the FARC guerrillas. Continue reading at Dell Tech.

Accountability without Chaos

For Mancini, requiring every member of society to vote on each issue is a recipe for chaos as not every issue is pertinent to that individual. To get around this noise, Sovereign uses a form of voting called liquid democracy. Continue reading at Dell Tech.


What Is a Blockchain Consensus Algorithm?

In the context of cryptocurrencies, the consensus algorithms are a crucial element of every blockchain network as they are responsible for maintaining the integrity and security of these distributed systems. The first cryptocurrency consensus algorithm to be created was the Proof of Work (PoW), which was designed by Satoshi Nakamoto and implemented on Bitcoin as a way to overcome the Byzantine faults.

Read more: Binance Academy


Consensus Algorithms: The Root Of The Blockchain Technology

Every day we see new blockchain technology surfacing in our midst. No matter how much we try to grasp the latest technology, they always have something new to offer to the table. Ever wonder what the root of all these blockchain technologies is? Well, consensus algorithms are the primary root of these revolutionary techs.

Consensus algorithms are what that makes all these blockchain consensus sequence different from one another. Blockchain network facilities millions and millions of people in the same space. So, how come they never interfere with one another or exist Binancemutually?

The answer is in the architecture of the blockchain network. The architecture is cleverly designed, and consensus algorithms are at the core of this architecture.

Blockchain Certification Course

If you really want to know how blockchain consensus sequence works then you have to dive in much more in-depth than you think. That’s why I’ll be covering all there is to know about consensus algorithms in this guide. So, let’s get on with it!

Chapter-1: What is the Consensus Algorithms?

The technical definition would be:

Consensus algorithms are a decision-making process for a group, where individuals of the group construct and support the decision that works best for the rest of them. It’s a form of resolution where individuals need to support the majority decision, whether they liked it or not.

In simple terms, it’s just a method to decide within a group. Let me clear it up with an example. Imagine a group of ten people that want to make a decision about a project that benefits them all. Every one of them can suggest an idea, but the majority will be in favor of the one that helps them the most. Others have to deal with this decision whether they liked it or not.

Now imagine the same thing with thousands of people. Wouldn’t that drastically make it way more difficult?

Consensus algorithms do not merely agree with the majority votes, but it also agrees to one that benefits all of them. So, it’s always a win for the network.

Blockchain consensus models are methods to create equality and fairness in the online world. The consensus systems used for this agreement is called a consensus theorem.

These Blockchain consensus models consist of some particular objectives, such as:

  • Coming to an agreement: The mechanism gathers all the agreements from the group as much as it can.
  • Collaboration: Every one of the group aims toward a better agreement that results in the groups’ interests as a whole.
  • Co-operation: Every individual will work as a team and put their own interests aside.
  • Equal Rights: Every single participant has the same value in voting. This means that every person’s vote is important.
  • Participation: Everyone inside the network needs to participate in the voting. No one will be left out or can stay out without a vote.
  • Activity: every member of the group is equally active. There is no one with more responsibility in the group.

Different Types of Consensus Algorithms Infographic

Consensus Algorithms Infographic

proof of work vs proof of stake

   Binance Academy

Table of Contents

Chapter-1: What are Consensus Algorithms?
Chapter-2: The Problem with Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Chapter-3: Why we need Consensus Algorithms?
Chapter-4: Blockchain: The Skeleton of Organizing Data of the Decentralized Network
Chapter-5: Consensus Algorithm: The Soul of the Network
Chapter-6: Different Types of Consensus Algorithm
Chapter-7: Other Types of Consensus Algorithm
Chapter-8: Concluding Notes

Continue reading: 101 Blockchain

voluntary servitude Citizenship – The American Citizenship Question

It’s all theft thru fraud.

Actually, you volunteered to accept the conditional use of, and employ a constructive United States public vessel identified by a vessel identification number [and termed a Social Security Number] FOR THE PURPOSE TO DO BUSINESS IN COMMERCE IN A PUBLIC PRIVATE JOINT VENTURE WITH THE UNITED STATES INC.



First is the issue of your being a citizen of the United States. Most everyone would seemingly agree that they are a “proud American” and therefore equally proud to be called a citizen of the United States. But how do the law and the Supreme Court define a United States citizen and most importantly the rights, privileges and immunities associated with being one.

“there is in our Political System, a government of each of the several states and a government of the United States  Each is distinct from the other and has citizens of its own.”. United States v. Cruikshank, 92 US 542, (1875) “There is a clear distinction between national citizenship and state citizenship.” 256 P. 545, affirmed 278 US 123, Jordan v. Tashiro (1928)“The only absolute and unqualified right of a United States citizen is to residence within the territorial boundaries of the United States,” US vs. Valentine 288 F. Supp. 957.

“The privileges and immunities clause of the 14th Amendment protects very few rights because it neither incorporates the Bill of Rights, nor protects all rights of individual citizens. Instead this provision protects only those rights peculiar to being a citizen of the federal government; it does not protect those rights which relate to state citizenship.”
Jones v. Temmer, 89 F. Supp 1226

Does the above comport with your pre-established notion that being a United States citizen is the best of all worlds regarding your rights, freedom and liberty. Did you even know there was such a thing as a state Citizen and it was different from being a U.S. citizen?  Are you possibly shocked to know that as a 14th Amendment U.S. citizen, one does not have the protection of the Bill of Rights; in fact 14th Amendment U.S. Citizenship protects very few rights! Did the government employees teaching in the public schools ever teach you this!

As the Kilo case on Imminent Domain decided by the Supreme Court in 2005 clearly demonstrates, U.S. citizens do not have private property rights or protection from bizarre imminent domain takings. If you can fight off the psychological effects of cognitive dissonance for just a few more minutes, you might be wondering; “How did I get to be a U.S. citizen? And could it possibly be true that my political status as a U.S. citizen deprives me of the rights, privileges and immunities that I was taught were part of being a free American?”

The short answer is, you volunteered. That’s right, you volunteered to be a U.S. citizen devoid of Constitutionally protect rights, devoid of even God given unalienable rights. How did you do this volunteering you might ask? Well, when you decided that you needed a Social Security card you also agreed to become a U.S. citizen and accept what the legal experts call compelled benefits. And herein lies the “real beauty” of the system developed to make you into something you never though possible, a person living in voluntary servitude. Ok, that cognitive dissonance thing just kicked in again. Let’s take this one step at a time.

By signing the SS5 form (Social Security Application) you voluntarily assented to transform by agreement your political status. Look at 5 USC 552A (a)(13)

“The term “Federal personnel” means officers and employees of the Government of the United States, members of the uniformed services (including members of the Reserve Components), individuals entitled to receive immediate or deferred retirement benefits under any retirement program of the Government of the United States (including survivor benefits).” Emphasis Added.

By agreeing to accept those measly Social Security payments 40 or 50 years out, you agreed to live your entire life “through” a constructive “federal person” i.e. “public vessel.” For those of you who like me spent some time in the military, you will know what I mean when I say that being “federal personnel” is like being a Humvee or a tank or a cooking utensil in the mess tent; you are just a piece of property. The term G.I. meaning, Government issue.

But there it is in black and white, your U.S. Congress passed legislation and the U.S. President signed that legislation that says if you volunteer to get a Social Security card you become government chattel property. Why do I keep saying you volunteered to get the Social Security Card, you ask? For the simple reason that to this day there is no law requiring you to get a Social Security number, no law within the 50 titles of the United States Code that makes the possession or use of a Social Security Account mandatory.

Back in the 1930’s a very devious man named Franklin Delano Roosevelt was working diligently to turn this once great Republic into a legislative democracy where socialistic concepts could reign. As it turns out, Roosevelt had this little problem with the Supreme Court. The nine justices on the Supreme Court were ruling against some of the foundational planks of Roosevelt’s diabolical scheme. The risk was that the centerpiece of his “New Deal”, Social Security, might be found unconstitutional. So Roosevelt made his famous threat to “pack the Court” with lots of justices until he could make the Court safe for democracy and socialism.

Well, to make a long story short, a story that is more fully described in the book U.S. Of A. v U.S., The loss of legal memory of the American state, the Court took Roosevelt’s threat seriously and made a “switch in time that saved nine.” Essentially, the Court threw out over one hundred years of protecting the people from power grabs by the federal government. The Court gave Roosevelt his way, thus paving the way for the “democracy” and all the evils that the Founding Father’s rightly associated with a democracy. But the Supreme Court snuck in a few little items that allowed the People “an out” if they didn’t want to fall into the servitude trap. They ruled that Social Security must be voluntary. The 13th Amendment states:

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

You see that the 13th left the possibility of voluntary servitude!

Now if you have ever tried to open a bank account, fill out a job application or even rent a video, you might not think that having a Social Security number is voluntary, but that is the genius of the plan. The law says that making application to receive benefits under the Social Security Act is completely voluntary and in fact goes so far as to state in every one of the 50 Titles of the United States Code that mentions the Social Security number, that you cannot be denied any right or privilege if you do not provide a Social Security number (with the obvious exception of dealing with the Social Security Administration). The way they got the scheme to work was to make the employers, banks, state and local agencies and everyone else treat you and make their computer system operate as if having a Social Security card was mandatory.

Now if your mind is off pondering the magnitude of this great deception, let me ask you to come back to the discussion for a few more moments. There are two other very important points that you have to understand about the execution of the plan.

First, once you are in the “system” accepting the benefits there under you are legally barred from complaining about it or raising the issue that it might be un-Constitutional. Justice Brandeis, a Supreme Court Justice during the 1930’s developed what are referred to as the Brandies Rules. Rule number six is the one that gets you. Take a look.

The Court will not pass upon the constitutionality of a statute at the instance of one who has availed himself of its benefits.

Read that again. If you volunteer to be a Social Security “beneficiary” you instantly become ineligible to go to the Courts and challenge the constitutionality of the very same laws.

And since you also decided . . . knowingly or not, to become a 14th Amendment citizen at the same time you also now fall under Article 4 of the 14th Amendment, which states:

Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.

Yup, they just got you again. If, as a U.S. citizen you think the government ought to live within its means and not be five or ten trillion dollars in debt, you cannot question the debt. Do you think you are done getting suckered in this deal? Guess again, it gets worse.

Now, there are literally thousands of people across the land that are variously known as “tax protestors”, members of the “tax honesty movement” and other names, good and bad depending on which side of the fence you sit with respect to the income tax. Once upon a time some people threw a bunch of tea into a harbor over a tax amounting to 1% or less. Today, we give up 20 or 30% of our income plus pay 50 cents per gallon of gasoline and pay taxes on everything we own including the roof over our heads. Now hear this, you fans of truth, justice and the American way!

Given the above disclosures about the joys and benefits of being a U.S. citizen, would it surprise you that you volunteer to take responsibility as the “employer” and pay the income tax of the afore referenced constructive public vessel that comes with the social security number? That’s right, you raise your hand and ask the good old taxman to raid that vessels paycheck. Now you may be proud to pay what you believe to be your taxes and this author will not disparage your patriotism one little bit. But don’t you wish just a little that the U.S. government would be honest about the source of authority for imposing the income tax on your earnings.

This author’s considered and studied opinion is that the source of authority for the income tax can be found at Title 8 of the Social Security Act of 1935, which states:



SECTION 801. In addition to other taxes, there shall be levied, collected, and paid upon the income of every individual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 811) received by him after December 31, 1936, with respect to employment (as defined in section 811) after such date:

Remember, you volunteered into Social Security, so any taxes, especially the above referenced income tax, are self imposed by your own voluntary action. Welcome to being a U.S. citizen.

NOTE: Actually, you volunteered to accept the conditional use of, and employ a constructive United States public vessel identified by a vessel identification number [and termed a Social Security Number] FOR THE PURPOSE TO DO BUSINESS IN COMMERCE IN A PUBLIC PRIVATE JOINT VENTURE WITH THE UNITED STATES INC. (A quid pro quo consideration.)

That constructive vessel is wholly owned by the Social Security Administration. You are in fact, only the employer of that constructive vessel and don’t come within the provisions of Section 801 personally. It is the constructive public vessel, that is the creation of the Social Security Administration and thereby, said vessel is the federal entity that is exclusively subject to the tax under Section 801. One further verifying fact re the above noted operation of law: When the IRS presents printed material in the form of unsecured offers of debt to the PUBLIC VESSEL and identifies that vessel with the vessels registration number; in that printed material is included reference to the Employer Identification Number or EIN. The vessel number can be recognized by the nature of the display of its number: SSN 000-00-0000. The Employer number is the identical number, but is displayed as: EIN 000000000, no dashes.

The IRS addresses two (2) entities, not just one . . . one is fictional and one is natural and upon which the law is quite clear, the natural entity, cannot give up his or her natural rights, even if they choose to do so.) The law will not tolerate a voluntary servitude that by that servitudes nature, rises to the level of a condition of peonage originating out of a constructive fraud.

Now to wrap up our conversation, you are probably wondering is there really a difference between the United States and the United States of America? Could there really be a subtle but distinct difference that affects the rights you enjoy, the taxes you pay and even whether or not you have rights under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Once again we can look to the U.S. government’s own documents to show that not only do they recognize a distinction between the United States and the United States of America, they allow you to choose which one you want to be legally bound to.

In title 28 of the United States Code (28 USC) we find at section 1746 the following:


§1746. Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury

Release date: 2005-09-29

Wherever, under any law of the United States or under any rule, regulation, order, or requirement made pursuant to law, any matter is required or permitted to be supported, evidenced, established, or proved by the sworn declaration, verification, certificate, statement, oath, or affidavit, in writing of the person making the same (other than a deposition, or an oath of office, or an oath required to be taken before a specified official other than a notary public), such matter may, with like force and effect, be supported, evidenced, established, or proved by the un-sworn declaration, certificate, verification, or statement, in writing of such person which is subscribed by him, as true under penalty of perjury, and dated, in substantially the following form:

(1)        If executed without the United States: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). (Signature)”. Emphasis Added

(2)       If executed within the United States, its territories, possessions, or commonwealths: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date). (Signature)”.

Please look at numbers 1 and 2 above. You can make unsworn declarations into the United States or into the United States of America. Take further notice that the United States of America seemingly even has its own laws that are different from those in the United States. The presumption (a legal term) is that if you do not specifically state you want to declare in the United States of America and under the laws thereof, you automatically fall under the umbrella of the United States which at Title 28 Section 3002, subsection (15) is defined as  ”United States” means—(A) a Federal corporation;

That’s right Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore!!

The Senate has a publication called Constitution of the United States of America, Analysis and Interpretation. This particular document is 2710 pages in length. It is the Senate’s official version of it’s understanding of the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution of the United States of America. In that lengthy document, on page 53, the astute reader will find when the Supreme Court is referring to the Constitution of the United States of America it states:

“and that is was made for, and is binding only in the United States of America.” Downes v. Bidwell,182 U.S. 244, 251 (1901); In Re Ross,
140 U.S. 453, 464 (1891)

The question begs to be asked, “If the Constitution of the United States of America is made for and binding only in the United States of America, then what is made for and binding only in the United States Inc.? Since the answer is not a simple one liner, you might want to pick up a copy of the book U.S. of A. v U.S., The loss of legal memory of the American state by visiting the website

http://www.USofAvUS.com or by calling the publisher at 828-398-4358. The authors provide a painstakingly researched, legally sound disclosure of what the true state of affairs is today. To be a “good American” is to be ever vigilant to the threat of tyranny, from without and within. If you are just now being introduced to the fact that you do not have the rights you thought you had, being a U.S. citizen is not all its cracked up to be, and the folks in Washington, D.C. might not be telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so, get a copy of the book U.S. of A. v U.S., The loss of legal memory of the American state, which also includes an MP3 CD with 10 hours of audio lectures on this same material as found in the book. The book also contains an access code to allow you to join the educational website for the first year.

via Citizenship – The American Citizenship Question


The labor-for-income slave game has come to a grinding halt. Automation (Technological Unemployment) is, by design, unstoppable and increasing at an exponential rate – relentlessly displacing vast numbers of workers on a global scale across the entire spectrum of industry. This means that the current economic system is unsustainable, cannot persist, hence propels itself towards an explosive collapse beyond reckoning.

Two-thirds of Americans believe that, in 50 years, robots and computers will do much of the work humans now doThe World Economic Forum’s 2016 report, The Future of Jobs, estimates that 5 million jobs will be lost to automation by 2020 and that the number will keep growing. Jobs that once seemed like “safe bets”—office workers and administrative personnel, manufacturing, and even law—will be hit hardest, the report estimates.

“There are some overarching shifts poised to change the nature of work itself over the next decade,” says Devin Fidler, research director at Institute for the Future, a nonprofit research center focused on long-term forecasting. That includes a demand for new skills and strategies that could help people to thrive in future work environments,

So what do you need to work on to be marketable in 2025? Here are six skill areas that the experts recommend, as well some of the strongest job-growth categories, as defined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and other sources—that relate to them.


Technology And Computational Thinking

It’s no surprise that tech skills will be in demand. However, Fidler says that “computational thinking”—the ability to manage the massive amounts of data we process individually each day, spot patterns, and make sense out of all of it—will be valued.

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“As the total amount of information coming at you increases and increases, the ability to manage that in a way that you’re not overwhelmed, is pretty key,” he says.

Related jobs: Software developer jobs will grow 18.8% between now and 2024, according to the BLS, while computer systems analyst jobs will increase 20.9% by 2024. Market research analyst and marketing specialist jobs, which also require those analytical skills, will increase 18.6%.


As more people live longer, every aspect of the health care sector is poised for growth. And while telemedicine, robotic surgical equipment, and other forms of automation are changing how some health care is delivered, demand for caregivers is going to increase as we commit to providing health care for more of the population—a population that is growing and living longer, says John Challenger, CEO of outplacement and career coaching firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas, Inc.

Related jobs: Challenger’s firm analyzed the hottest job sectors from 2018 through 2025 and half of the sectors were caregiving and health-related. Hot fields included medical technicians, physical therapists, and workplace ergonomics expertsVeterinarians will also be in demand, the report found. BLS also found that support jobs related to caregiving, such as medical secretaries and medical assistants will also be in high demand. Home health aide jobs are expected to grow a whopping 38.1%.

Social Intelligence And New Media Literacy

It’s going to take a long time for robots to be good at soft skills, like social and emotional intelligence and cross-cultural competency, “which are hugely valuable in a world where you or I could go and be working with somebody in the Philippines within an hour. Virtual collaboration itself is really useful in that environment as well,” Fidler says. In addition, new media literacy—understanding various media platforms and how to best communicate effectively in them—are valuable skills that robots won’t be likely to match any time soon.

Related jobs: Sales and related jobs are one of the top five growth areas worldwide, according to the WEF report. In the U.S., BLS projects that jobs for retail and other sales representatives, marketing specialists, and customer service representatives are each projected to grow between 6.4% and 18.6%, depending on the category by 2024.


Lifelong Learning

With the world moving as fast as it is, we need to become a society of people who are always learning new things, says Julie Friedman Steele, board chair of the World Future Society, a membership organization for futurists. But we’re also going to need to shift how we learn, she says. As so many things advance quickly, it will be difficult for teachers and trainers to keep up with the latest thinking. Instead, we’ll use technology to find the best sources of information to keep our knowledge and skills current.

Antonia Cusumano, people & organization leader at consulting giant PwC says that we’ll also need to turn to more dynamic resources. “You’re going to have 10 minutes on your bus ride home when you’re commuting. You’re going to pull up an app from one of the many businesses out there that are doing these mini-clips of video learning. I’d like to learn 10 minutes on C++ so that I can brush up on my coding. You’re going to see learning shift to these little mini bite-sized chunks of information that you can get on the go and when you need it and at any given time,” she says.

Related jobs: Teachers and trainers made Challenger’s firm’s list of eight hot fields through 2025. Education and training is number six on the WEF report’s list of growth sectors.

Adaptability And Business Acumen

With opportunities in innovation and entrepreneurship and the rise of the “gig economy,” Cusumano says understanding how businesses work is essential. Even if you’re working for a company, you have to have a better understanding than ever of how the business operates. “It’s how the millennial generation has been raised. They are more in tune to collaborate. They know how to do project-based work and move quickly, which I think is inherent in today’s economy,” she says.

Related jobs: BLS estimates that management analysts, accountants and auditors will experience double-digit growth through 2024. One Intuit report projects that more than 40% of U.S. workers will be independent contractors by 2020.

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Natural flow, turning cities into giant sponges to save lives

‘We can make friends with floods. We can make friends with water’, says Professor Professor Kongjian Yu


“Sponge cities” use wetlands, green walls and roofs, permeable pavements and green buildings to protect against flooding.

The idea of a sponge city is simple – rather than using concrete to channel away rainwater, you work with nature to absorb, clean and use the water.

“Floods are not enemies,” explains Professor Kongjian Yu. “We can make friends with floods. We can make friends with water.”

What we have done is totally wrong, he says. He returned to China after studying landscape architecture at Harvard University in the US, determined to tackle one of the biggest problems facing cities.

His solution was to work with nature rather than against it.

#OurPlanet #ShareOurPlanet #VoiceForThePlanet

This man is turning cities into giant sponges to save lives | Pioneers for Our Planet

Natural flow

Eco-friendly terraces allow land and water to meet, explains Kongjian, or “the Sponge Cities Architect” as he’s known.

During the dry season, the terrace is a park for residents to enjoy. But during the rainy season it can flood, protecting the city without the need for grey infrastructure like flood walls or dykes.

Not only does this safeguard the city by working with nature, but the water is clean, vegetation can grow and a habitat is created for wildlife.

It’s not just wetlands and restored riverbanks, though. Sponge cities also include green walls and roofs, permeable pavements and green buildings.


All from one city

And it all began in just one Chinese city, 20 years ago.

Today, 250 places in the country are working with Kongjian and his team, as well as urban areas everywhere from the US and Russia to Indonesia.

It’s an inherently global answer to a problem that afflicts a variety of places, he believes. “The ecological-based or nature-based solution can be a solution global-wise.”

Reparations Means Global Social  Transformation 

Glen Ford, BAR executive editor
21 Mar 2019
George jacson capitalism

Reparations is not a token gesture of concern, apology or even solidarity; it seeks justice and redress of wrongs through the transformation of a people’s condition.

“An all-Black reparations debate is overdue.”

The Democratic presidential race has erupted in incomprehensible babble on reparations. Bernie Sanders says he’s not sure what people mean by the word. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker , the two Black U.S. senators, cynically put forward programs that bear no resemblance to reparations while claiming to be supporters. And Oprah favorite Marianne Williamson’s $100 billion reparations scheme is far too stingy  to “repair” 40 million descendants of slaves.

A $100 billion reparations scheme is far too stingy to ‘repair’ 40 million descendants of slaves.”

It is no wonder that Democratic office-seekers feel free to conjure up their own versions of reparations, to arbitrarily endorse or reject. Although the general concept of reparations for slavery and its ongoing legacy of racial oppression is broadly endorsed by Black America, there has been no Black-wide debate on the issue. Until that happens, there can be no DEMAND put forward that is imbued with the authority of the wronged community — and power accedes only to demands. Therefore, at present, there is no such thing as a Black people-endorsed reparations program, to be supported or rejected by candidates during the upcoming electoral season. Reparations is not a token gesture of concern, apology or even solidarity; it seeks justice and redress of wrongs through the transformation of a people’s condition. Black folks need to study on that, and take all the time that is necessary to produce a coherent set of demands. Of necessity, this community-wide debate must be a deep and broad discussion of the current state of the Black political economy, and our people’s visions for the future.

“There has been no Black-wide debate on reparations.”

Clearly, an all-Black reparations debate is overdue when corporate servants like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker can masquerade as reparationists while campaigning on non-Black-specific programs like $500 per month income supplements (Harris’ tax credit  for all households making less than $100,000 a year) or “baby bonds” for all newborns (Booker’s scheme to narrow the racial wealth gap  by giving children yearly savings bonds, with larger amounts going to poorer kids up to age 18.) These proposals may or may not have merit, but they are not reparations and could only be pitched as such in an environment of abject political ignorance.

The starting signal for the Great Black Reparations Debate has already sounded, with 29 House members co-sponsoring John Conyers H.R. 40 reparations study bill , first introduced in 1989, later revised and improved and now sponsored by Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee. Less than half of the Black Caucus in the House has signed on to H.R. 40, and the actual reparations positions of even the signatories – including Jackson-Lee — are largely unknown. But that’s alright; the bill  provides only “to establish a commission to study and consider a national apology and proposal for reparations for the institution of slavery, its subsequent de jure and de facto racial and economic discrimination against African-Americans, and the impact of these forces on living African-Americans, to make recommendations to the Congress on appropriate remedies, and for other purposes.” The Black community-wide debate on Reparations and Black Futures must begin long before H.R. 40 passes in some future session of Congress, and will inform the study, itself.

“The debate must be a deep and broad discussion of the current state of the Black political economy, and our people’s visions for the future.”

Dr. Leonard Jeffries #ADOS Reparations

35.9K subscribers

Brought to you by: [FREE WEBINAR] The Three 50 Year Turning Points of History with Dr. Leonard Jeffries https://goo.gl/bMqtQ1

“There is nothing parochial or provincial about the project to repair four centuries of Euro-American crimes and savagery.”

Most veterans of the reparations movement are internationalists, not narrow racialists or Black American chauvinists. They have played key historical roles in the liberation of all previously colonized and enslaved peoples. There is nothing parochial or provincial about the project to repair four centuries of Euro-American crimes and savagery, in the process of which capitalism was built and brought to its imperial zenith.

In the most profound sense, reparations means total global social transformation – and you can’t buy that with Marianne Williamson’s $100 billion scheme, or Booker’s baby bonds, or Harris’ $500 a month stipends, or even with trillions of dollars. Real redress can only come when the system that cannibalized tens of millions of Black bodies and underdeveloped most of the world for the benefit of the Lords of Capital, is demolished root and branch and just settlements made among the people’s of the Earth.

We may have come here on a slave ship, but we’re not going down with this Titanic in imperialist decline.

Read the article the excerpts don’t do it justice.


I Will Never Forget What a White Man Told Me in Zimbabwe in 1980

A revolutionary fighter meets the man who sent him to the gallows. They argue: “We have won”, “Political Power & not economic Power”

Thula Bopela I will never forget what a white man told me in 1980

I Will Never Forget What a White Man Told Me in Zimbabwe in 1980.

I have no idea whether the white man I am writing about is still alive or not. He gave me an understanding of what actually happened to us Africans, and how sinister it was, when we were colonized. His name was Ronald Stanley Peters, Homicide Chief, Matabeleland, in what was at the time Rhodesia. He was the man in charge of the case they had against us, murder.

I was one of a group of ANC/ZAPU guerillas that had infiltrated into the Wankie Game Reserve in 1967, and had been in action against elements of the Rhodesian African rifles (RAR), and the Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI). We were now in the custody of the British South AfricaPolice (BSAP), the Rhodesian Police. I was the last to be captured in the group that was going to appear at the Salisbury (Harare) High Court on a charge of murder, 4 counts.

‘I have completed my investigation of this case, Mr. Bopela, and I will be sending the case to the Attorney-General’s Office, Mr. Bosman, who will the take up the prosecution of your case on a date to be decided,’ Ron Peters told me. ‘I will hang all of you, but I must tell you that you are good fighters but you cannot win.’

‘Tell me, Inspector,’ I shot back, ‘are you not contradicting yourself when you say we are good fighters but will not win? Good fighters always

‘Mr. Bopela, even the best fighters on the ground, cannot win if information is sent to their enemy by high-ranking officials of their organisations, even before the fighters begin their operations. Even though we had information that you were on your way, we were not prepared for the fight that you put up,’ the Englishman said quietly. ‘We give due where it is to be given after having met you in battle. That is why I am saying you are good fighters, but will not win.’

John Henry Clarke Powerful Peoplea and Education

Thirteen years later, in 1980, I went to Police Headquarters in Harare and asked where I could find Detective-Inspector Ronald Stanley Peters, retired maybe.

President Robert Mugabe had become Prime Minster and had released all of us….common criminal and freedom-fighter. I was told by the white officer behind the counter that Inspector Peters had retired and now lived in Bulawayo. I asked to speak to him on the telephone. The officer dialed his number and explained why he was calling. I was given the phone, and spoke to the Superintendent, the rank he had retired on. We agreed to meet in two days’ time at his house at Matshe-amhlophe, a very up-market suburb in Bulawayo. I travelled to Bulawayo by train, and took a taxi from town to his home.

I had last seen him at the Salisbury High Court after we had been sentenced to death by Justice L Lewis in 1967. His hair had greyed but he was still the tall policeman I had last seen in 1967. He smiled quietly at me and introduced me to his family, two grown up chaps and a daughter. Lastly came his wife, Doreen, a regal-looking Englishwoman. ‘He is one of the chaps I bagged during my time in the Service. We sent him to the gallows but he is back and wants to see me, Doreen.’ He smiled again and ushered me into his study. He offered me a drink, a scotch whisky I had not asked for, but enjoyed very much I must say. We spent some time on the small talk about the weather and the current news.

‘So,’ Ron began, ‘they did not hang you are after all, old chap! Congratulations, and may you live many more!’ We toasted and I sat across him in a comfortable sofa. ‘A man does not die before his time, Ron’ I replied rather gloomily, ‘never mind the power the judge has or what the executioner intends to do to one.’

‘I am happy you got a reprieve Thula,’, Ron said, ‘but what was it based on? I am just curious about what might have prompted His Excellency Clifford Du Pont, to grant you a pardon. You were a bunch of unrepentant terrorists.’

‘I do not know Superintendent,’ I replied truthfully. ‘Like I have said, a man does not die before his time.’ He poured me another drink and I became less tense.

‘So, Mr. Bopela, what brings such a lucky fellow all the way from happy Harare to a dull place like our Bulawayo down here?’

‘Superintendent, you said to me after you had finished your investigations that you were going to hang all of us. You were wrong; we did not all hang. You said also that though we were good fighters we would not win. You were wrong again Superintendent; we have won! We are in power now. I told you that good fighters do win.’

The Superintendent put his drink on the side table and stood up. He walked slowly to the window that overlooked his well-manicured garden and stood there facing me.

‘So you think you have won Thula? What have you won, tell me. I need to know.’

‘We have won everything Superintendent, in case you have not noticed. Every thing! We will have a black president, prime minister, black cabinet, black members of Parliament, judges, Chiefs of Police and the Army. Every thing Superintendent. I came all the way to come and ask you to apologise to me for telling me that good fighters do not win. You were wrong Superintendent, were you not?’

He went back to his seat and picked up his glass, and emptied it. He poured himself another shot and put it on the side table and was quiet for a while.

‘So, you think you have won everything Mr. Bopela, huh? I am sorry to spoil your happiness sir, but you have not won anything. You have political power, yes, but that is all. We control the economy of this country, on whose stability depends everybody’s livelihood, including the lives of those who boast that they have political power, you and your victorious friends. Maybe I should tell you something about us white people Mr. Bopela. I think you deserve it too, seeing how you kept this nonsense warm in your head for thirteen hard years in prison.

‘When I get out I am going to find Ron Peters and tell him to apologize for saying we wouldn’t win,’ you promised yourself. Now listen to me carefully my friend, I am going to help you understand us white people a bit better, and the kind of problem you and your friends have to deal with.’ ‘When we planted our flag in the place where we built the city of Salisbury, in 1877, we planned for this time. We planned for the time when the African would rise up against us, and perhaps defeat us by sheer numbers and insurrection. When that time came, we decided, the African should not be in a position to rule his newly-found country
without taking his cue from us. We should continue to rule, even political power has been snatched from us, Mr. Bopela.’ ‘How did you plan to do that my dear Superintendent,’ I mocked.

‘Very simple, Mr. Bopela, very simple,’ Peters told me. ‘We started by changing the country we took from you to a country that you will find, many centuries later, when you gain political power. It would be totally unlike the country your ancestors lived in; it would be a new country. Let us start with agriculture. We introduced methods of farming that were not known in Africa, where people dug a hole in the ground, covered it up with soil and went to sleep under a tree in the shade. We made agriculture a science. To farm our way, an African needed to understand soil types, the fertilizers that type of soil required, and which crops to plant on what type of soil. We kept this knowledge from the African, how to farm scientifically and on a scale big enough to contribute strongly to the national economy. We did this so that when the African demands and gets his land back, he should not be able to farm it like we do. He would then be obliged to beg us to teach him how. Is that not power, Mr. Bopela?’ ‘We industrialized the country, factories, mines, together with agricultural output, became the mainstay of the new economy, but controlled and understood only by us. We kept the knowledge of all this from you people, the skills required to run such a country successfully.

“It is not because Africans are stupid because they do not know what to do with an industrialized country. We just excluded the African from this knowledge and kept him in the dark. This exercise can be compared to that of a man whose house was taken away from him by a stronger person. The stronger person would then change all the locks so that when the real owner returned, he would not know how to enter his own house.

“We then introduced a financial system – money (currency), banks, the stock market and linked it with other stock markets in the world. We are aware that your country may have valuable minerals, which you may be able to extract….but where would you sell them? We would push their value to next-to-nothing in our stock markets. You may have diamonds or oil in your country Mr. Bopela, but we are in possession of the formula on how they may be refined and made into a product ready for sale on the stock markets, which we control. You cannot eat diamonds and drink oil even if you have these valuable commodities. You have to bring them to our stock markets.

‘We control technology and communications. You fellows cannot even fly an aeroplane, let alone make one. This is the knowledge we kept from you, deliberately. Now that you have won, as you claim Mr. Bopela, how do you plan to run all these things you were prevented from learning? You will be His Excellency this, and the Honorable this and wear gold chains on your necks as mayors, but you will have no power. Parliament after all is just a talking house; it does not run the economy; we do. We do not need to be in parliament to rule your Zimbabwe. We have the power of knowledge and vital skills, needed to run the economy and create jobs. Without us, your Zimbabwe will collapse. You see now what I mean when I say you have won nothing? I know what I am talking about. We could even sabotage your economy and you would not know what had happened.”

We were both silent for some time, I trying not to show how devastating this information was to me; Ron Peters maybe gloating. It was so true, yet so painful.

In South Africa they had not only kept this information from us, they had also destroyed our education, so that when we won, we would still not have the skills we needed because we had been forbidden to become scientists and engineers. I did not feel any anger towards the man sitting opposite me, sipping a whisky. He was right. ‘Even the Africans who had the skills we tried to prevent you from having would be too few to have an impact on our plan. The few who would perhaps have acquired the vital skills would earn very high salaries, and become a black elite grouping, a class apart from fellow suffering Africans,’ Ron Peters persisted. ‘If you understand this Thula, you will probably succeed in making your fellow blacks understand the difference between ‘being in office’ and ‘being in power’. Your leaders will be in office, but not in power. This means that your parliamentary majority will not enable you to run the country….without us, that is.”

I asked Ron to call a taxi for me; I needed to leave. The taxi arrived, not quickly enough for me, who was aching to depart with my sorrow. Ron
then delivered the coup de grace: ‘What we are waiting to watch happening, after your attainment of political power, is to see you fighting over it. Africans fight over power, which is why you have seen so many coups d’etat and civil wars in post-independent Africa. We whites consolidate power, which means we share it, to stay strong. We may have different political ideologies and parties, but we do not kill each other over political differences, not since Hitler was defeated in 1945. Joshua Nkomo and Robert Mugabe will not stay friends for long. In your free South Africa, you will do the same.

There will be so many African political parties opposing the ANC, parties that are too afraid to come into existence during apartheid, that we whites will not need to join in the fray. Inside whichever ruling party will come power, be it ZANU or the ANC, there will be power struggles even inside the parties themselves. You see Mr. Bopela, after the struggle against the white man, a new struggle will arise among yourselves, the struggle for power. Those who hold power in Africa come within grabbing distance of wealth. That is what the new struggle will be about….the struggle for power. Go well Mr. Bopela; I trust our meeting was a fruitful one, as they say in politics.’

I shook hands with the Superintendent and boarded my taxi. I spent that night in Bulawayo at the YMCA, 9th Avenue. I slept deeply; I was mentally exhausted and spiritually devastated. I only had one consolation, a hope, however remote. I hoped that when the ANC came into power in South Africa, we would not do the things Ron Peters had said we would do. We would learn from the experiences of other African countries, maybe Ghana and Nigeria, and avoid coups d’etat and civil wars.


In 2007 at Polokwane, we had full-blown power struggle between those who supported Thabo Mbeki and Zuma’s supporters. Mbeki lost the fight and his admirers broke away to form Cope. The politics of individuals had started in the ANC. The ANC will be going to Maungaung in December to choose new leaders. Again, it is not about which government policy will be best for South Africa; foreign policy, economic, educational, or social policy. It is about Jacob Zuma, Kgalema Motlhante; it is about Fikile Mbalula or Gwede Mantashe. Secret meetings are reported to be happening, to plot the downfall of this politician and the rise of the other one.

Why is it not about which leaders will best implement the Freedom Charter, the pivotal document? Is the contest over who will implement the Charter better? If it was about that, the struggle then would be over who can sort out the poverty, landlessness, unemployment, crime and education for the impoverished black masses. How then do we choose who the best leader would be if we do not even know who will implement which policies, and which policies are better than others? We go to Mangaung to wage a power struggle, period. President Zuma himself has admitted that ‘in the broad church the ANC is,’ there are those who now seek only
power, wealth and success as individuals, not the nation. In Zimbabwe the fight between President Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai has paralysed the country. The people of Zimbabwe, a highly-educated nation, are starving and work as garden and kitchen help in South Africa.

What the white man told me in Bulawayo in 1980 is happening right infront of my eyes. We have political power and are fighting over it, instead of consolidating it. We have an economy that is owned and controlled by them, and we are fighting over the crumbs falling from the white man’s ‘dining table’. The power struggle that raged among ANC leaders in the Western Cape cost the ANC that province, and the opposition is winning other municipalities where the ANC is squabbling instead of delivering. Is it too much to understand that the more we fight among ourselves the weaker we become, and the stronger the opposition becomes?

Thula Bopela writes in his personal capacity, and the story he has told is true; he experienced alone and thus is ultimately responsible for the ideas in the article.

By Thula Bopela

Similarly Wherever Europeans Go:

ON CONTACT – The fight for life v. Monsanto/Bayer AG

RT America Mar 30, 2019

This week Monsanto/Bayer AG was ordered by a California federal court to pay $80 million to Edwin Hardeman after a jury found its weed killer, Roundup, caused his cancer. The case is just one of thousands of lawsuits filed against the company over plaintiff’s use of the glyphosate-based herbicide.

In 2015, the World Health Organization classified glyphosate as probably carcinogenic to humans. The Food and Drug Administration has concluded the herbicide is not likely carcinogenic to humans. In August 2018, a jury in California state court awarded a school’s groundskeeper, Dewayne Johnson, nearly $289 million in damages. The verdict was later reduced to $78 million and is on appeal. In this conversation with Chris Hedges, environmental activist and author, Vandana Shiva, talks about Monsanto/Bayer AG and other big AG players interests in India and her fight to protect life forms, seed varieties and farmers.